Activist. Mother. Author.
Realtor. Counselor. Sister.
Entrepreneur. Daughter. Investor.
Free Spirit. Leader.

Since I was a little girl, I knew I was placed on this Earth to make an impact in the lives of others while dreaming of someday owning a business to call my own. Little did I know, I would own several! With wonderful parents, deep ambition, and the grace of God, life has provided incredible blessings that have allowed me to pour into others while creating beauty in the world through art, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship. As a two-time breast cancer survivor with over 10 years of counseling experience, I understand the challenges involved with traumatic life events and strive to encourage others in their lives. Any obstacle can be faced successfully and setbacks are not meant to define us. Instead, they are teachable moments meant to redirect us towards greater paths and greener pastures. I am a walking testament of this truth and know firsthand that miracles exist. Everyone loves to see victory in unexpected ways! Join the Facebook Group and mailing list to be a part of my revolution and learn how to spark one of your own. Read more

Catz Lounge Boutique
There is no greater reward than helping others feel like the best versions of themselves. As an enthusiast of self-expression through fashion, not only do I adore designer threads, I particularly enjoy mixing old patterns and colors with upscale chic designs. I started Catz Lounge in 2016 as a fashion house and as of 2021, it has expanded into creating a luxurious atmosphere at home with candles, towels, canvas art, electronics, and self-care items. All proceeds benefit I Rock My Scars, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating survivors of trauma through confidence coaching, support groups, and in-person retreats. Shop now

I Rock My Scars

Established in 2018, I Rock My Scars is an International 501(c)(3) non-profit based in Virginia Beach, Virginia that is on a mission to inspire, empower, and educate survivors with both visible and invisible scars through confidence coaching, support groups, and in-person retreats. With social factors that affect society, we have become more susceptible to change for others but not make the best change for ourselves. I Rock My Scars aims to buck this trend by catering to all people that have encountered unforeseen traumatic experiences while maintaining a vision of healing the world mentally and emotionally. Read more

Property Divas Exclusive
With over ten years of experience in the Real Estate Industry, I am here to help you find the perfect home within your budget. Ownership epitomizes the American dream, raising your net worth in the process. As a Licensed Contractor in the state of Virginia, quality service is what I aim to provide. I look forward to working with you! Read more

The Record Lair

I have always had a love for music and will sing you under a karaoke table with a smile! In 2019, I had the pleasure of meeting a fellow young breast cancer survivor and music fanatic named Kelsey Smith, also known as Sey the Vision. I Rock My Scars sends Music to Heal Kits to cancer patients, and Sey the Vision weaves music into client brands and stories. The Record Lair is a record shop based out of Detroit, Michigan and future listening lounge and venue located in Crewe, Virginia. A collaborative effort between myself and Kelsey, we believe in the healing power of sound and universal language it speaks. Read more

Over 1,000,000 Views
Letting my personality shine on TikTok is one of my favorite pastimes! I am always up for a challenge, whether it be dancing with my girls, empowering cancer patients to rock their scars, or showing off my amazing cooking skills. Confidence is the key, and I hope to inspire and bring joy to your day. Life is too short to be anything less than your authentic self! I am also available for brand partnerships and collaborative efforts. Read more