
Since I was a little girl, I knew I was placed on this Earth to make an impact in the lives of others while dreaming of someday owning a business to call my own. Little did I know, I would own several! With wonderful parents, deep ambition, and the grace of God, life has provided incredible blessings that have allowed me to pour into others while creating beauty in the world through art, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship. As a two-time breast cancer survivor with over 10 years of counseling experience, I understand the challenges involved with traumatic life events and strive to encourage others in their lives. Any obstacle can be faced successfully and setbacks are not meant to define us. Instead, they are teachable moments meant to redirect us towards greater paths and greener pastures. I am a walking testament of this truth and know firsthand that miracles exist. Everyone loves to see victory in unexpected ways! Join the Facebook Group and mailing list to be a part of my revolution and learn how to spark one of your own.
First and foremost, I am a loving mother of a beautiful, strong intelligent daughter, a rebel of my own named Akira. The darkest rooms have never dimmed my light, and my smile and laugh are contagious! Gregarious by nature, taking care of the many loved ones in my life and being a dependable friend gives me an immense sense of pride. As a free spirit, being a vocal BoPo advocate for the fair treatment of individuals impacted by traumatic events is embedded in my essence. On such an unanticipated journey, I once lost myself, my hair, my identity, and my self-worth. I have lost my career, battled with insurance companies, and encountered many other health scares, yet am still standing as a survivor with a renewed purpose. Through the many traumatic experiences I’ve faced, I’ve overcome each setback as a stronger person, and I envision a future helping others achieve the same goal. I specialize in non-profit, real estate and small business operations, helping individuals at every level progress in their careers. Connect with me to change your life and heal.